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Very informative training on to become a process server. I highly recommend
K Cooper
K Cooper
I highly recommend this process server training course. It has helped me prepare for my career as a process server. The best course that I have see so far.
Reginald Sanders
Reginald Sanders
Great training
Lawrence Longrus
Lawrence Longrus
Great training course! I learned a lot!
I was looking for more information on how to become a successful process server when I came across this outstanding training. It’s simple and affective. I highly recommend this course of training if you would like to be a successful process server!
Dale Roach
Dale Roach
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Nina R.
Nina R.
I wanted to become a process server. I found this website that offered online process server training courses. Great basic course to learn how to become a process server.
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I Am Lance Casey.

With over 20 years of private investigation and process server experience expertise, I help people become process servers and start their own process server businesses. In the constantly changing field of process serving, it is my mission to provide individuals and small businesses with the skills to master the critical tactics and strategies that will drive their business growth.

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Grow your knowledge and stay ahead of your competitors

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Become A Process Server

Great for people who like to drive but don’t want a bunch of passengers in the car.

Process Server Websites

Learn how to build a process server WordPress website.

Process Server Software

Generate affidavits, manage billing, payments to servers, update jobs from the field.

Learn How To Become A Process Server

Our Process Server Training Courses will teach you how to become a process server and how to market you process server business online to get clients.

Process Server Training: What You Need to Know

Have you been considering getting into a different line of work? Perhaps you want to start your own business and are looking for something interesting and a bit different from the usual entrepreneurial outlets. Becoming a process server could be just the new career that would fit you well.

Of course, if you are like most people, you have only a vague understanding of what a process server does and even less of an idea on how to become one. Let’s get a closer look, so you can see whether it might be a new type of work that could appeal to you.

What is a Process Server?

The job of a process server is to deliver legal documents to someone who is involved in a court case as a defendant. Another term often used for this is “serving papers”. In many cases, these types of documents can’t simply be mailed to the person involved in the court case because they may claim that they never received the papers. Instead, they need to be served with the papers by someone in person. This could occur at their home or their place of business, for example.

The documents let the person being served know when they need to appear in court and why they need to appear.

Of course, when people know that they may be served with papers, it can sometimes be difficult for the process server to find them. They will take great pains to avoid the process server. This means the job of the process server entails a bit more than just handing over papers. It involves time and work to learn about the best places and times to find the defendant and to serve the papers.

Typically, the process server begins their search with the last known address. While this can be helpful in some cases, that address is often not current. The process server needs to determine where the defendant is located and the best way to approach them. Naturally, this can take some time, effort, and detective work. However, that’s part of the draw to this job. Process servers can use their knowledge and skills to find their quarry and deliver the papers.

Why Are Process Servers Needed?

Process servers provide an important service. The 5th Amendment of the US Constitution essentially means that all citizens are granted the right to know when they are being summoned for a court case against them. The other party is required to provide notice of legal action being taken against them, and this is where process servers come into play.

In some cases, particularly with smaller towns, the sheriff’s office will deliver the papers. However, these departments are often too busy with other matters to handle the delivery of papers. The process servers provide this service instead. After serving the papers, the process server will then fill out the proof of service forms and file them with the court. This shows that they have delivered the papers to the defendant. The affidavit will be notarized and provided to the person or law office that hired the process server. Process servers can also file papers in court for their clients in many cases.

Process servers can serve many different types of papers for course cases. Some of the different types of documents that could be served include writs, subpoenas, complaints, and summonses. The job might also require serving civil summons, civil complaints, garnishments, divorce papers, child support, orders of protection, collection letters, and more. Some process servers will also offer document retrieval services.

Given the types of work that servers do, it is beneficial to have good investigative skills and a desire to see work through from start to finish. In some cases, the process server can perform surveillance, stakeouts, and skip tracing.

Pros and Cons of Being a Process Server

As with any career, there are pros and cons to working as a process server. One of the biggest benefits is that you can become your own boss and set up your own hours. As long as you can serve the papers, you can do it on your own schedule. You can work the hours you need, and this helps many people to have a better work/life balance.

Because process servers are an essential part of the legal system, you will find that this can be a stable career, especially after you start to gain more clients. You may not become rich overnight as a process server, but it can provide you with a steady income. When you invest your time into the business, you can see great results.

One of the other benefits is that you won’t have two days in a row that are the same. You are always dealing with new people who need to be served papers. Every day will be an adventure.

Process servers tend to spend a lot of time in their vehicles, as well. For some, this can be a benefit, but others may not like being in the car that much. If you don’t like driving and spending time in the car, this is something to consider.

Another con of being a process server is that you are often dealing with people who don’t want to get served. Although most people will be quiet when being served, they can sometimes be nasty about it and take out their anger on you.

Other than that, there aren’t many cons to becoming a process server. It can be a wonderful job and a way to start a business of your own without much cost.

What Do You Need to Do to Become a Process Server?

In some cases, a process server might have some legal experience already. Some may be former law enforcement officers, for example. Others may have no legal experience at all. There is no single background that will make an ideal process server. Those who are willing to learn and to put in the work can have a career in this field. However, it is important to note that the requirements for becoming a process server can vary greatly from one state to the next.

In most states, you will need to be at least 18 years old to become a process server. Also, you can’t serve papers if you are involved in the case. This means that an attorney can’t serve papers for their client in a case they are handling, for example. In some cases, you will need to be licensed by your state or by the county where you will be working. Other states do not have any requirements for licensing or registering to be a process server, which means that not all states will have any mandatory training.

However, even in states where training may not be required, it is always a good idea to get some training for yourself. Find a course or program that can provide you with all of the information you need when it comes to how to serve papers safely and effectively. Often, process servers will want to get other training and education to improve their investigative skills and knowledge. This can make it easier to find and serve papers.

When you become a process server, you should always make it a point to familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations regarding the process serving. You need to be sure that you are abiding by the laws in your state, so you do not infringe on the rights of others during the course of serving papers.

Statewide licensing is required in Alaska, Arizona, California, Nevada, Oklahoma, and Texas. Washington and Montana require registration, while Georgia requires certification. Local licensing is required in certain locations, as well, including certain counties in Florida, New York, Missouri, and Tennessee.

Always take the time to look up the requirements in your location to be sure you understand each of the steps you will have to take to become a process server.

An Example: Becoming a California Process Server

If you are located in California and you want to become a process server, you will have to meet certain requirements and go through several steps. Those who serve more than 10 papers in a given year will need to be registered in the county where they serve. Registration is statewide, and those who want to become registered need to be a resident of the state for at least one year immediately before filing for registration.

How To Become A Process Server

The state does not have any education or testing requirements. However, applicants are required to post a $2,000 cash deposit or bond. Those who have a criminal history as a felon cannot become process servers in the state. You need to be at least 18 years old and you will need to have two passport-style photos.

Applicants will have to complete a registration form and will need to be fingerprinted. The fingerprinting is to ensure that the applicant hasn’t been convicted of a felony. The Livescan fingerprint form will be signed by law enforcement. The applicant will then need to contact a surety company or insurance company to obtain a bond. The bond for $2,000 needs to be valid for the term of the registration, which is two years in CA.

With your registration form and ID, you can then register at the county clerk’s office. You can then provide the registration form and the Livescan form to the county clerk. You will also need your bond, two passport photos, and all of the fees. The fees can vary based on the county, so be sure that you check the fees before you head to the county clerk’s office.

Once all of this is complete, you will then be registered to act as a process server. You will then be able to start finding work in the field.

Getting Work as a Process Server

One of the biggest challenges that new process servers face when starting is finding clients. There are several ways to increase the number of clients that you have. The first is being proactive and calling law firms, legal centers, rental agencies, mortgage lenders, etc. that may require the needs of a process server. Consider all of the different types of paperwork that can be served and the type of people that need to have papers served. Contact those businesses and let them know that you are available. Networking with people and learning their needs, and actively seeking clients can help you to build up a client list.

How To Become A Process ServerWhen you have several large clients, such as law firms, you will find that it becomes easier to have steady work. However, you shouldn’t rest easy even when you have a couple of larger law firms that use your service. Always look for new clients. It’s better to have too much work rather than not enough.

Become a process server additionally, you should consider building a website and blog, which you can use to market your services online. This allows people to find your company online and come to you rather than you needing to go to them all the time.

If you want to keep clients and get new clients, you need to be good at your job. Remember, it’s not just about handing someone paperwork. It’s about putting in the effort to find the people you are serving, even when they don’t want to be found. Creating a reputation as someone who always finds the person they need to serve, and doing so quickly, will help you to keep your clients happy.

What Types of Skills Should a Process Server Have?

You will need to have or be able to develop certain skills if you want to thrive as a process server. Although it might not be too difficult to become a process server, being good at the job and becoming successful can be tricky. Think about the sorts of skills that are needed for this job.

You should be good at reading people and situations. Sometimes, you will be serving papers to people who are at a rough spot in their lives. They can sometimes be defensive and difficult to talk to because they don’t want to be served. They might lie to you, run from you, or even attack you.

While the job of a process server is not too dangerous, there is always the risk of someone becoming angry and aggressive. If there are threats of violence or actual violence, it should be reported to the police. Process servers need to be ready for anything, especially when dealing with someone desperate.

While the need to defend yourself is not usually a concern, it could still be a good skill to have just in case. It is always better to be safe rather than sorry. You will also find that your ability to empathize and talk people down from being angry are good assets to have. You need to know how to read people and how to determine the best places and the best ways to approach different people.

You also need to have thick skin when you are a process server. As mentioned, people will often lie to you. They might also insult you. You have to remain calm and have the ability to not let those verbal attacks feel personal. The ability to keep calm and rational even when dealing with irate people is essential.

Another skill that is needed is persistence. Process servers will soon find that some people really don’t want to be found and served with papers. They will hide and do just about anything to avoid it. This requires an investigative mind that can help you to find out where these individuals are located. You might need to talk with the person’s family or friends to get more information about them, so you can serve the papers. You may need to research the person’s past to get a better idea of where they might be now. Although you aren’t a private investigator, some of the work can rely heavily on investigation.

Of course, this also means that you need to be patient. While some jobs are simple and will be over in an hour or so, others might take days or longer to complete. You can’t let setbacks make you give up. Without persistence and patience, you will find that it could become overwhelming.

This is why having the proper training, even though it might not be required by the state, can be very beneficial. The more training you have the better you will feel about serving papers in different situations.

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How Much Does a Process Server Make?

Of course, you are likely wondering just how much a process server can make. The amount can vary depending on several factors including the types of papers being served, as well as your location. The number of papers you serve will determine how much you make, as well. Typically, the salary for a process server will be from $25,000 to $70,000 annually. They will make between $30 and $250 per document.

You will want to check into your local area to get a better sense of how much money you could make as a process server. In some cases, you may want to start out doing the job part-time. You can see whether it is a good fit for you and make some extra money on the side. If you decide that it’s something you want to pursue, you can then expand your business and consider going full-time.

Starting Your Own Process Server Business

Starting a process server business is a fantastic move for many people. It doesn’t cost much to get started, and you can recoup your investment costs after serving a few papers in many cases. Once you become a process server, you will want to set yourself up as a business. Learn more regarding what you need to do to set up a business in your state and follow all of the requirements to ensure that you are a legitimate business.

Create a website, as mentioned, to let people know about your services and to attract new clients. Get some business cards to hand out to attorneys, law offices, and others when you are marketing in person. You should also create a marketing letter that you can provide to attorneys and other clients. Ask for referrals. Even if an attorney might not need your services right now, they could know someone who does.

Always deliver. Work hard, work fast, and provide the clients with better-than-expected results. This will impress them and make them want to hire you again and again. You can go solo in your business for as long as you would like. This is what many process servers do. Others might eventually want to expand their business further and bring in other process servers when their client list starts to become too large.

Treat this business as you would any other, and you can start to see some great results.

Should You Become a Process Server?

Only you can answer this question. Now that you have a better understanding of what a process server is and what they do, it should be easier for you to determine whether this is the type of career you might want to pursue. It could provide you with a way to earn a good income without the need to be stuck inside of an office or a cubicle all of the time.

If you are interested in becoming a process server, your next step is to take a course that will provide you with all of the details that you will need to understand to enter this field. Even if you do not need to be licensed or registered in your state, going through a course will help to ensure that you know the ins and outs of the job. It will make the transition to process served much easier for you.

Take the next step, go through a course, and start earning as a process server. Your new career is closer than you might think.

Course 1

Process Server Online Course

Learn how to become a process server. Our ‘Process Serving Training Class’ is provided for new process servers.

Basic Process Server Training Course

32 lessons - 4:11 hours
View Course

Course 2

Process Server Marketing Course

Coming Soon

Process Server Marketing Course

5 lessons - 4:11 hours Coming Soon
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Process Server Website Builder Course

Learn how to build a Wordpress website for your process serving business.

How To Build a process server website

6 lessons - 4:1 hours
View Course

Course 3

Course 4

Process Server Adwords Course

coming soon

Process Server Paid Advertising Course

5 lessons - 4:11 hours - coming soon
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Course 5

Process Server Small Claims Court Course

Coming Soon

Process Server Small Claims Court Course

5 lessons - 4:11 hours - coming soon
View Course

Course 6

How to Launch a Successful Online Community

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How to Launch a Successful Online Community

5 lessons - 4:11 hours
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Process Server Training Academy

  9912 Business Park Drive Suite 170 Sacramento California 95827. (800) 395-7452
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