Yuba County Recorder
915 Eighth Street, Suite 107
Marysville, CA 95901
Office (530) 749-7851
FAX (530) 749-7854
How To Become A Registered Process Server In Yuba County California?
Watch This Video And Follow The Instructions Below.
To register as a process server in Yuba County, you must appear in-person at one of our office locations and:
- Present valid photo identification (such as a driver’s license, passport, or military I.D.)
- Present a process server bond in the amount of $2,000 which names the registrant as principal and provides the term of the bond
- Complete an application form:
- Get fingerprinted using a completed Request for Live Scan Service issued by this office
- Pay the appropriate fees*
What does a Yuba County Process Server Do?
Process servers deliver legal documents to individuals involved in a court proceeding.
In California, a process server is defined as any person who makes more than 10 services of process within this state during one calendar year, for specific compensation or in expectation of specific compensation; or any corporation or partnership that derives or expects to derive compensation from service of process within this state. Laws concerning process servers are set forth in California Business and Professions Code (BPC 22350-22360).
Pursuant to state law, process servers:
- Must be at least 18 years of age
- Cannot have a felony conviction
- Cannot be a party to the action in which they are serving process (i.e., Plaintiff, Defendant, Petitioner, Respondent)
- Must perform their duties in compliance with provisions of state and local laws governing the service of process
- Must register with the County Clerk of the county in which they reside or have their principal place of business
How Much Does It Costs To Become A Registered Process Server In Yuba County?
File registration: $110.00
File bond: $10.00
Record bond*: $20.00 for the first page and $3.00 for each additional page (including any lead page)
Each additional ID card: $37.00
Live Scan fingerprinting: $49.00 (Note: You are responsible for the rolling fee payable to the agency performing the Live Scan service. Rolling fees vary by service provider. Visit the Attorney General’s website to search for live scan locations.)
How Long Does It Take To Get Your Process Server License In Yuba County?
The licensing process is very quick. As soon as you submit your application, pay the fees, get fingerprinted and submit your original process server bond, the county clerk will give your a temporary registered process server license. The original will be mailed to you after your fingerprint check is completed. The part of the application process that takes the longest is the process server bond. You have to wait to receive your original process server bond from the process server bonding company.
California Process Server Bonding Companies:
- Bonds Express (800) 331-5453. California Process Server Bond – $2000 (2 years) only $49
- Surety Bonds (800) 308-4358. California Process Server Bond – $2000 (2 years) only $50
- Surety Solutions Insurance Services, Inc. (877) 654-2327. Call for quote.
- Ashton Bond Company (800) 452-2663. Call for quote.
What Is A Process Servers Salary In California?
Most process servers earn about $25 per 4 attempts on serving documents when they work for the large process service companies in California. Independent process servers can earn $150 & up when they have their own process server business. I have made over $800 in one day with my process server business.
I started out as a process server in 2001 working for a large process server company and they paid me $15-25 to make 4 attempts to serve the documents that they gave me. The large process server company was being paid over $100 and I was getting $15. That wasn’t enough for me and I wanted to get the full amount with my own clients. I wanted to make more money for myself so I started my own process service business.
How Do I Start My Own Process Server Business in Yuba County:
The following steps are needed to start your own process server business. I developed these steps from my own trials and errors. I learned the hard way by trying to figure it out on my own. Starting my business took thousands of hours and thousands of dollars because I didn’t have a guide to walk me through setting up my process server business. I figured it out and now I want to share it with you. The following are the steps. Click the links to receive more detailed information on the steps.
Get Your Process Server License
Process Server Business Plan
Process Server Training
Process Server Marketing
Process Server Jobs
The links above will redirect you to other websites that I have created. My goal is to help other process servers increase the amount that earn and to make their job easier. I have had a lot of jobs in my life and I enjoy process serving the most. I get to work outside and not be stuck inside an office. I work when I want and take as much time off as I need. I used to hate having to ask for permission to get off work to spend time with my family. Not any more. I work when I want or when I need to work. Process serving is easy. All you do is give people legal documents and fill out a small form showing that you have given them the paperwork (proof of service form). That’s it. Get paid, drop off the document and fill out a small form.